bridge course Wordsworth's preface

1: what is the basic difference between the poetic creed of "classicism and romenticism?

Classicism and Romanticism are artistic movements that have influenced the literature, visual art, music, and architecture of the Western world over many centuries. With its origins in the ancient Greek and Roman societies, Classicism defines beauty as that which demonstrates balance and order. Romanticism developed in the 18th century — partially as a reaction against the ideals of Classicism — and expresses beauty through imagination and powerful emotions. Although the characteristics of these movements are frequently at odds, both schools of thought continued to influence Western art into the 21st century.
In literature, Classicism values traditional forms and structures. According to legend, the Roman poet Virgil left orders for his masterpiece The Aeneid to be burned at his death, because a few of its lines were still metrically imperfect. This rather extreme example demonstrates the importance placed on excellence in formal execution. Such attention to detail can also be seen in the work of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, whose Divine Comedy contains over 14,000 lines written in a strict rhyming pattern known as terza rima. Other characteristics of the movement include balance, order, and emotional restraint.

2. Why does Wordsworth say 'What' is poet? rather than Who is poet?

Ans: In his preface he said that, ”a poet is a man speaking to man, endowed with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness, great en knowledge of human nature, more comprehensive soul, men in the spirit of life, creative volition, passions and situations where he does not find them, who rejoice more.” Even things which is not exists poet can create that.

3.What is poetic diction? Which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth in his Preface?
Ans: Poetic diction means choice of words, unique style of particular poet or author. Then in which way they interwoven or construct that being diction. Wordsworth offers his first lyrical ballads in 1798 he offered that as an experiment. In his preface he mentions that, that diction was inane and highly ornamental. He promotes rural life and nature. He said that all things limited to city only. Further he said that he want to use language as really used by men.

4.What is poetry?

Ans:According to Wordsworth, “poetry is the breath and filer of all knowledge, the impassioned expression that is in the countenance of all science.” Other one was, “poetry is the instrument for the propagation of moral thoughts.”
5. Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud' with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.
Ans: It begins with, “I wondered lonely as cloud” this whole poem divided in four stanzas. First three stanza are in past tense and last one was in present tense. It shows that he is lake poet, he wondered outside and then when he reach home and sit on his couch and then recollect the memory and whole poem written. Poem written in recollection in tranquility. Poem ends with, “then my heart with pleasure feels and dances with Daffodils.”

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