thinking activity : THE RAPE OF THE LOCK

Q1 According to you, who is the protagonist of the poem Clarissa or Belinda? Why? Give your answer with logical reasons.

Rape of the Lock' is a comical satire poem; which is written by Alexander Pope. Rape of the Lock' published in 1712. 

The protagonist of the poem is Belinda. She is a wealthy and beautiful young woman, who travels to Hampton Court for a day of socializing and leisure. Her remarkable beauty attracts the attention of the Baron, who snips off a lock of her hair in his infatuation. 

Belinda is a model arid more specifically represents the fashionable, aristocratic ladies of Popes age. Such social butterflies in eighteenth century were regarded as petty triflers, having no serious concern with life, and engrossed in dance and gaiety. Belinda’s fall indicates the decadence of her class. Through her, Pope describes the flippancy and depravity of the English society of his day.Pope seeks to throw light upon the fickle minded fashionable ladies of the 18th century England depicting Belinda as the representative character. She is the embodiment of the coquetry, the art, the artifice and the false pride. 

Belinda is based on the real-life figure of Arabella Fermor, who also had a lock of her hair cut off by a suitor.

2.) What is beauty? Write your views about it.

The beauty looked at with eyes doesn't last forever. Instead of concentrating on outer beauty, we should concentrate on inner beauty. The point is that inner beauty is more important than outside beauty. So, if we make the effort to make our minds beautiful, we'll be happier.

Inner beauty refers to the personality of a person including his/her mind and character. Whereas outer beauty simply refers to the looks of a person. It can easily be faked and changed through makeup, dressing, surgery etc. But it takes a whole lot of effort and a true heart to maintain your inner beauty in this modern age.
Beauty is not about what brand of clothes you wear; it’s about you carry them. Beauty isn’t about the matching earrings or expensive bracelets, it is always about carrying the smile and a whole lot of confidence on your face.
Outer Beauty makes a person insecure and uncertain but inner beauty makes a person strong and makes him feel invincible. Beauty is about simplicity, elegance and grace. We need to be comfortable in our own skin.
Outer beauty is transient, it fades with time and so does the looks but your soul, knowledge and heart is something that will stay.
Today our biggest myth is that of we are not good looking or don’t wear fashionable clothes then we are up to no good, but in my opinion it is our skill and talent that makes you at par with others. As a true example we have our Film industry which is now supporting many actors which are not good looking but have great acting skills. They should be true inspiration for all of us

4.) Write your views about the significance of hair. Is it symbolic?

Yes hair is most important part of the body it was a symbolised so many things.

Believe it or not, the condition of your hair can be one of the most important signs of your overall health. Vibrant, healthy hair means that your body is producing enough vitamins and nutrients that ensure the body is operating at its peak condition.
A woman’s hair is the first most noticeable part of her beauty. It enhances her personality. It’s an important part of your appearance and sets the tone for your entire look. A bad hair day is just a bad day.

Imagine you are in a crowded place and meet a stranger for the very first time. What is the first thing that you notice in that person? Probably their face and their hair!

Hair gives you the opportunity to make an impressive first impression. And you only get one chance to do it. If your hair isn't up to par, then people may make assumptions about you and your personality.

These assumptions will imprint in people's minds because oftentimes our first impressions of people last the longest.

air and other cultures
In other cultures and religions, hair has a special significance. For example, in Sikh religion, it is traditional for hair to be kept uncut. Hair is viewed as a symbol of strength and holiness, and uncut hair symbolises denial of vanity and acceptance of a simple life. Buddhist monks shave their heads and beards to symbolise detachment from material possessions, and the casting aside of vanity. It’s also frowned upon for monks to dye or pluck out their grey hairs, as these are reminders of the impermanence of life and the coming of old age.

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