Religious fevour and 'A Tale of Tub'

This task was given by Kavisha Alagiya ma'am part of the thinking activity.

About shitala mata

In Sanskrit, the name 'Sheetala' (शीतला śītalā) literally means 'the one who cools'; as an epithet of the mother goddess or Devi revered in Hinduism, 'Sheetala' represents the divine blessing of bestowing relief from suffering, like how a cool breeze relieves the weary traveller on a sweltering day. Goddess Sheetala is worshipped under varying names across the Indian subcontinent. Devotees most often refer to Goddess Sheetala using honorific suffixes reserved for respected motherly figures, vis-à-vis Sheetala-Ma (Hindi: मां māṃ), Sheetala-Mata (Sanskrit: माता mātā), Sheetala-Amma (Kannada: ಅಮ್ಮ am'ma), etc. Sheetala is revered by Hindus, Buddhists, as well as by Adivasi communities. She is mentioned in Tantric and Puranic literature, and her later appearance in vernacular texts (such as the Bengali 17th century Sheetala-mangal-kabyas, 'auspicious poetry' written by Manikram Gangopadhyay) has contributed to popularising her worship.[7]

Shitala mata story


The deity is principally featured as a women’s goddess, portrayed as a mother who defends children from paediatric ailments, such as exanthemata. She also serves as a fertility goddess, who assists women in finding good husbands and the conception of healthy sons. Her auspicious presence promises the welfare of the family, and is also considered to protect the devotee's sources of livelihood. Sheetala is also summoned to ensure refreshing rainfall and the prevention of famines, droughts, as well as cattle diseases.[5]

The Skanda Purana describes her role:[6]

For the sake of quelling boils and blisters (of smallpox) and for the sake of the children, a devotee takes Masūra lentils by measures and grinds them. Due to the power of Śītalā, children become free from the disease.

— Skanda Purana, Chapter 12

The smallpox vaccine is the first vaccine to be developed against a contagious disease. In 1796, the British doctor Edward Jenner demonstrated that an infection with the relatively mild cowpox virus conferred immunity against the deadly smallpox virus. Cowpox served as a natural vaccine until the modern smallpox vaccine emerged in the 20th century. From 1958 to 1977, the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a global vaccination campaign that eradicated smallpox, making it the only human disease to be eradicated. Although routine smallpox vaccination is no longer performed on the general public, the vaccine is still being produced to guard against bioterrorism, biological warfare, and monkeypox.

• Some Myths and Facts about Smallpox.

• Myth of Smallpox

• Smallpox can be cured. Smallpox still occurs naturally. Not enough Smallpox Vaccine exists for everyone. The Vaccine is often deadly. Childhood Smallpox vaccinations would protect against a new attack. Vaccination won't work if given after exposure to the virus.

Facts of Smallpox

• There is no proven treatment, thought newer antiviral drugs would repeat it probably be tried in the events of an outbreak. The last case was in 1977. The government believes it has plenty. Probably fewer than three per million would die from the shots. Protection probably wears off within 20 years. People are protected if Vaccinated within two or three days.

• Indians are worshipping daily disease as a God. In Indian rituals where is a very rational idea cold like butter ,buttermilk ,milk, card etc. India is a much busiest in worshipping of God and Goddesses. People have fear from God and also from disease. Saudi ka natak injection of disease they have so much fear from it and surrender himself to God. And they have fear to take the Vaccine of disease.

• If people are not aware about current disease. In 21st century many educated people living in the world and they also believing in God and Goddesses. NTR think God helps them every time and they can't have any Vaccine of disease. Till how can we survive from disease? It is crual mentality of religious people. Give advice to all friends ,family members, relatives to take Vaccines of disease. Come on let's aware about every disease and its Vaccine.

In this occasion of Shitala saatam  one rules is there that is to eat 'Cold food'.  Let's see why people eat cold food, very few people know the disease and deficiency of vitamin B12. Because of this disease many people eat cold food But those who suffer in this disease they can't eat  this food  but get injections. And those who not eat cold food that all not suffer from this disease.

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